M.E.R.T. International
Emergency Response
Nobody expects an emergency or disaster -- especially one that affects them, their employees, and their business personally. Yet the simple truth is that emergencies and disasters can strike anyone, anytime, and anywhere. You and your employees could be forced to evacuate your company when you least expect it.
MERT International can help you, the employer, plan and train for that possibility. The best way to protect yourself, your workers, and your business is to expect the unexpected and develop a well-thought out emergency action plan and provide training for your employees to be able to take immediate action when necessary.
What is a workplace emergency?
A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that threatens your employees, customers, or the public; disrupts or shuts down your operations; or causes physical or environmental damage. Emergencies may be natural or manmade and include the following:
Confined space
Working at Height
Toxic gas releases
Chemical spills
Radiological accidents
Civil disturbances
Workplace violence resulting in bodily harm and trauma.
How do you protect yourself, your employees, and your business?
The best way is to prepare to plan and train for an emergency before it happens. Few people can think clearly and logically in a crisis, so it is important to do so in advance, when you have time to be thorough.
We can help your organisation with roles and resonsibilities and the training of your ERT.